Ylabel(, nogrid) b1title("") l1title("") title("Sanitation")

Stata tip 117: graph combineCombining graphs. demo-india.do Run this and you will make the best graphs in Stata in one shot then you can edit as you follow along in the tutorial. Legend(rows(3) size(small)) legend(label(1 "Other") label(2 "Pit latrine with slab") label(3 "Pit latrine without slab/open") label(4 "No facilities/in the bush")) ///īlabel(bar, format(%9.0f) color(white) size(vsmall) position(inside)) bargap(5) ytitle("Percentage %") /// Use fysize() and fxsize() to control the aspect ratio when you are going to use graph combine and you want unequally sized areas or when you will be specifying graph combine ’s imargin() option. Ylabel(, nogrid) b1title("") l1title("") title("Cooking fuel")Ĭatplot floor1, recast(bar) percent asyvars stack /// I have the following graphs done using this code: legend(rows(3) size(small) bmargin(zero) rowgap(0) colgap(0) label (2 "Charcoal") label(3 "Rudimentary wood planks") label(4 "Animal dung") label(1 "Others")) ///īlabel(bar, format(%9.0f) color(white) size(vsmall) position(inside)) bargap(5) graphregion(color(white)) ytitle("Percentage %") /// Title graph combine Combine multiple graphs Syntax Description Options Remarks and examples Reference Also see Syntax graph combine name.